Microsoft Edge


Desired action Keys to press#D7F8FD

Show or hide the favorites bar

Ctrl + Shift + B

Set focus on the first item in the favorites bar

Alt + Shift + B

Save the current tab as a favorite

Ctrl + D

Save all open tabs as favorites in a new folder

Ctrl + Shift + D

Select the URL in the address bar to edit

Alt + D

Open a search query in the address bar

Ctrl + E

Open the Settings and more "..." menu

Alt + E

Find on page

Ctrl + F

Open the Settings and more "..." menu

Alt + F

Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search

Ctrl + G

Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search

Ctrl + Shift + G

Open History in a new tab (web UI)

Ctrl + H

Open Developer Tools

Ctrl + Shift + I

Open the Send feedback dialog

Alt + Shift + I

Open Downloads in a new tab (web UI)

Ctrl + J

Open a search query in the address bar

Ctrl + K

Duplicate the current tab

Ctrl + Shift + K

Select the URL in the address bar to edit

Ctrl + L

Paste and search or Paste and go (if it's a URL)

Ctrl + Shift + L

Mute the current tab (toggle)

Ctrl + M

Sign in as a different user or browse as a Guest

Ctrl + Shift + M

Open a new window

Ctrl + N

Open a new InPrivate window

Ctrl + Shift + N

Open a file from your computer in Edge

Ctrl + O

Open Favorites management

Ctrl + Shift + O

Print the current page

Ctrl + P

Print using the system dialog

Ctrl + Shift + P

Reload the current page

Ctrl + R

Reload the current page, ignoring cached content

Ctrl + Shift + R

Save the current page

Ctrl + S

Open a new tab and switch to it

Ctrl + T

Reopen the last closed tab, and switch to it

Ctrl + Shift + T

Set focus on the first item in the toolbar

Alt + Shift + T

View source

Ctrl + U

Start or stop Read Aloud

Ctrl + Shift + U

Paste without formatting

Ctrl + Shift + V

Close the current tab

Ctrl + W

Close the current window

Ctrl + Shift + W

Open Collections

Ctrl + Shift + Y

Reset zoom level

Ctrl + 0 (zero)

Switch to a specific tab

Ctrl + 1, 2, ... 8

Switch to the last tab

Ctrl + 9

Add www. to the beginning and .com to the end of text typed in the address bar

Ctrl + Enter

Switch to the next tab

Ctrl + Tab

Switch to the previous tab

Ctrl + Shift + Tab

Zoom in

Ctrl + Plus (+)

Zoom out

Ctrl + Minus (-)

Toggle PDF between fit to page / fit to width

Ctrl + \ (in a PDF)

Rotate PDF counter-clockwise 90*

Ctrl + [ (in a PDF)

Rotate PDF clockwise 90*

Ctrl + ] (in a PDF)

Open clear browsing data options

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

Set focus on the Settings and more "…" button


Go back

Alt + Left arrow

Go forward

Alt + Right arrow

Open your home page in the current tab

Alt + Home

Close the current window

Alt + F4

Open Help


Find in the current tab


Select the URL in the address bar


Close the current page in the current tab

Ctrl + F4

Reload the current tab


Reload the current tab, ignoring cached content

Shift + F5

Switch focus to next pane


Switch focus to previous pane

Shift + F6

Turn caret browsing on or off


Enter or exit Immersive Reader


Set focus on the Settings and more "…" button


Open Setting and more "…" menu

F10 + Enter

Open context menu

Shift + F10

Enter full screen (toggle)


Open Developer Tools


Stop loading page; close dialog or pop-up


Scroll down webpage, one screen at a time


Scroll up webpage, one screen at a time

Shift + Spacebar

Scroll down webpage, one screen at a time


Switch to the next tab

Ctrl + PgDn

Scroll up webpage, one screen at a time


Switch to the previous tab

Ctrl + PgUp

Go to the top of the page, Move keyboard focus to first item of pane


Go to the bottom of the page, Move keyboard focus to last item of pane


Go to next tab stop


Go to previous tab stop

Shift + Tab



Desired action Keys to press

Show or hide the favorites bar

Command + Shift + B

Open Developer tools

Command + Shift + C

Save your current tab as a favorite

Command + D

Save all open tabs as favorites in a new folder

Command + Shift + D

Find on page

Command + F

Turn full-screen mode on or off

Command + Ctrl + F

Search the web

Command + Option + F

Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search

Command + G

Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search

Command + Shift + G

Open your home page in the current tab

Command + Shift + H

Open the JavaScript Console

Command + Option + J

Select the URL in the address bar to edit

Command + L

Open Downloads in a new tab

Command + Option + L

Toggle tab mute on and off

Ctrl + M

Minimize window

Command + M

Minimize all windows of the front app

Command + Option + M

Log in a different user or browse as a guest

Command + Shift + M

Open a new window

Command + N

Open a new window in InPrivate mode

Command + Shift + N

Open a file from your computer in Edge

Command + O

Print the current tab

Command + P


Command + Q

Reload the current tab

Command + R

Reload the current tab, ignoring cached content

Command + Shift + R

Save the current tab

Command + S

Open a new tab, and switch to it

Command + T

Reopen the last closed tab, and switch to it

Command + Shift + T

Start or stop Read Aloud

Command + Shift + U

Paste format free text

Command + Shift + V

Close the current tab

Command + W

Close the current window

Command + Shift + W

Open History in a new tab

Command + Y

Reset zoom level

Command + 0 (zero)

Switch to a specific tab

Command + 1,2,...8

Switch to the last tab

Command + 9

Move cursor to the beginning of first word in the same line

Command + Left arrow

Move cursor to the end of last word in the same line

Command + Right arrow

Delete the entire text field / entire line of text

Command + Delete

Search the typed query in new tab

Command + Return

Open clear browsing data options

Command + Shift + Delete

Zoom in

Command + Plus (+)

Zoom out

Command + Minus (-)

Toggle PDF between fit to page / fit to width

Ctrl + \ (in a PDF)

Rotate PDF counter-clockwise 90*

Ctrl + [ (in a PDF)

Rotate PDF clockwise 90*

Ctrl + ] (in a PDF)

Navigate backward

Command + [

Navigate forward

Command + ]

Switch to the next tab

Ctrl + Fn + Down arrow

Switch to the previous tab

Ctrl + Fn + Up arrow

Enter or exit Immersive Reader


Open Developer Tools (toggle)


Exit full-screen mode

ESC (in full-screen mode)

Stop loading page; close dialog or pop-up


Scroll down webpage, one screen at a time


Scroll up webpage, one screen at a time

Shift + Space

Move to the next control


Move to the previous control

Shift + Tab

Go to the next tab

Ctrl + Tab

Go to the previous tab

Shift + Ctrl + Tab