Images and paint

Images and paint shortcuts

Desired action Keys to press

Select an item and enter Selection mode

Spacebar (in Collection)

Select an item while in Selection mode

Enter (from Selection mode)

Show or hide commands

Spacebar (viewing a photo)

Play or pause the video

Spacebar (viewing a video)

Scroll up, down, left, or right

Arrow keys (in Collection)

Show the next or previous item

Left or right arrow keys (on a single item or slideshow)

Move within the photo

Arrow keys (on a zoomed photo)

Zoom in or out when viewing a photo

Ctrl + plus or minus (+ or -)

Reset zoom on a photo

Ctrl + 0

Return to previous screen



Ctrl + S


Ctrl + P


Ctrl + C

Rotate a photo

Ctrl + R (viewing or editing)

Enhance a photo

E (viewing a photo)

Undo changes

Ctrl + Z (editing)

Redo changes

Ctrl + Y (editing)

View original

Ctrl + / (editing)

Resize crop or selective focus area

Shift + arrow keys

Move crop or selective focus area

Ctrl + arrow keys

Start a slide show

F5 (viewing an item)

View file info

Alt + Enter

Set as lock screen

Ctrl + L

Create a new album

Ctrl + N (in Albums view)

Remove album

Ctrl + R (in Albums view)

Add selected items to album

Ctrl + D

Remove selected items from album

Ctrl + U


Paint shortcuts

Desired action Keys to press

View a picture in full-screen mode


Save the picture as a new file


Select the whole picture

Ctrl + A

Bold selected text

Ctrl + B

Copy a selection to the Clipboard

Ctrl + C

Open the Propertiesdialog box

Ctrl + E

Show or hide gridlines

Ctrl + G

Italicize selected text

Ctrl + I

Create a new picture

Ctrl + N

Open an existing picture

Ctrl + O

Print a picture

Ctrl + P

Show or hide the ruler

Ctrl + R

Save changes to a picture

Ctrl + S

Underline selected text

Ctrl + U

Paste a selection from the Clipboard

Ctrl + V

Open the Resize and Skew dialog

Ctrl + W

Cut a selection

Ctrl + X

Redo a change

Ctrl + Y

Undo a change

Ctrl + Z

Increase the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel

Ctrl + plus (+)

Decrease the width of a brush, line, or shape outline by one pixel

Ctrl + minus (-)

Zoom in

Ctrl + Page Up

Zoom out

Ctrl + Page Down

Close a picture and its Paint window

Alt + F4

Move the selection or active shape right by one pixel

Right arrow

Move the selection or active shape left by one pixel

Left arrow

Move the selection or active shape down by one pixel

Down arrow

Move the selection or active shape up by one pixel

Up arrow

Show the context menu

Shift + F10


Paint 3D shortcuts

Desired action Keys to press

Reset zoom

Ctrl + 0  or NumberPad0

Switch views

Ctrl + 3

Selects all 3D items in your workspace; repeat command to toggle to select all 2D items

Ctrl + A

Bold selected text

Ctrl + B

Copy selected item

Ctrl + C

Copy selected item

Ctrl + Insert

Capture a screenshot

Ctrl + Shift + C

Show canvas properties

Ctrl + E

Show or hide 3D perspective

Ctrl + Shift + E

Group objects

Ctrl + G

Ungroup objects

Ctrl + Shift + G

Turn on eyedropper


Italicize selected text

Ctrl + I

Minimize or expand the side menu


Create a new picture or file

Ctrl + N

Open an existing picture or file

Ctrl + O

Print in 2D

Ctrl + P


Ctrl + S

Save as

Ctrl + Shift + S

Underline selected text

Ctrl + U

Paste selected item

Ctrl + V

Paste selected item

Shift + Insert

Select canvas

Ctrl + W

Show or hide canvas

Ctrl + Shift + W

Cut selected item

Ctrl + X

Cut selected item

Shift + Delete

2D crop

Ctrl + Shift + X

Redo an action

Ctrl + Y

Undo an action

Ctrl + Z

Stop or leave the current task


Reset view


Zoom in


Zoom in

Ctrl + PgUp

Zoom out


Zoom out

Ctrl + PgDn

Zoom in or out

Ctrl + mouse wheel

Orbit left

Ctrl + Left

Orbit right

Ctrl + Right

Orbit up

Ctrl + Up

Orbit down

Ctrl + Down

Pan left

Alt + Left

Pan right

Alt + Right

Pan up

Alt + Up

Pan down

Alt + Down

Decrease brush size

Ctrl + Minus (-) or [

Increase brush size

Ctrl + Plus (+) or ]

Move selection or active shape right by one pixel

Right arrow

Move selection or active shape left by one pixel

Left arrow

Move selection or active shape down by one pixel

Down arrow

Move selection or active shape up by one pixel

Up arrow

Close program

Alt + F4

Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop


Activate the Menu bar in the app


Show the context menu

Shift + F10

View picture in full-screen mode


Save picture as a new file
